If you're reading this, the studio website has been taken completely offline for a long-overdue reorganization and overhaul. Up to now this site has been little more than an image gallery, as opposed to a launching point from which the various worlds and projects I've been toying with for many years could be explored more fully. Now that I'm finally learning how to use Macromedia Studio 8, it's high time that changes were made.
At this point I can't give a timetable for how long the reorganization will take. There's a lot of things that need doing and real life continues to get in the way on a regular basis. In the meantime everyone is encouraged to visit my DeviantART page for current artwork, status updates and other goings-on:
Thanks to everyone who's provided support and suggestions over the years, and to those who've put up with long silences and shown infinite patience while I try to get things done. ^^; I'm hoping to have something great happening here in the future.
- Larry (a.k.a. Arconius, R-Type)